Here’s a shocking idea for those who think none of the current Republican candidates for U.S. President are likely to beat President Obama in 2012.
How about the retiring Secretary of Defense Bob Gates? Shocking?
Yes, shocking until you see him being interviewed by a somewhat hostile press.
Yes, shocking until you think about Eisenhower defeating Senator Bob Taft for the Republican Presidential nomination in 1952.
Yes, Shocking until you look at the results of Eisenhower’s defeat of Democrat Adali Stevenson in 1952 and being re-elected four years later.
And shocking until you think that IKE negotiated us out of Korea and then went on to get a bunch of roads built that still serve us well today – more or less.
This doesn’t’ suggest that Gates isn’t’ without faults. Perhaps the current politicians don’t like him. But maybe that is an asset. Remember, the Old Guard Republican politicians wanted Taft in 1952 over Eisenhower. IKE was not perceived as a politician. Neither is gates.
Perhaps his personal life won’t stand up to the usual bright lights. We’ll, lets see for sure.
The interviews to-date indicate he is experienced in handling congress on bi-partisan matters. Also he’s a Republican appointed by a Republican and re-appointed by a Democratic president.
So – shocking as the idea may seem, perhaps its worth an objective look, by objective Republicans. After all, maybe what this nation needs right now is to get a shock – or to say in military terms -- a hard kick in the butt.
I like this idea. This country needs 'a new idea'. The reminder from history that dramatic and unpredictable events can rise to the needs of a struggling country is inspiring.